Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grassi Lakes Trail Trip

Last weekend I went to Grassi Lakes Trail in Canmore with my host family. They have a house there and we always go there to take a relax our weekend. Also I love so much when we go there.
This time my host mom Pick our up to Grassi Lakes Trail and she said to me,"Hsiao-yen have to go there bucause there is a beautiful and wouderful place." In addition, it is my first time. when we walked the halfway, we had to choose a way that is easy or more difficult way. and they said to me again," would you like to choose a way?" I said to them," sure, I'd like to." Then they told me,"the more difficult way is more greatful than easy way. So, I shose the more difficult way that is truth. I saw a little waterfall and also we could see the view which belong to Canmore. When we arrived the Lake, we saw a lot of people who were climbing the rock. then we went down to Canmore downtown. you guess we saw the street-corner skit players who were performing in the street. finally, we went to the restaurant for our dinner that was wonderful and we saw a movie on Tw at the Canmore house.

Do you know I am so luck to meet my host family bucasue they always pick me up going anywhere. Also, I love them so much. they let me don't want to go back to taiwan.


HunUg said...

You had a great time on the weekends!! I like trip as you. Will you go Jasper and Banff as activities?? If you go there, let's enjoy with me the trip !!^^

deyvid-s said...

I'd like to go to Canmore, your experiences there were really nice. It looks like a relaxing and comfortable place. I hope you put some pictures about this trip.

Linda said...

you are really lucky person.
yo go to anywhere on weekend.
I so envy you.
if you have a picture, naxt time
bring it and let us see a picture.

soojin said...

Wow!! you spent great time in Canmore!
I think your host family is so nice, and they are lucky because they're living with you.

I really envy you!

Anonymous said...

Prezados clientes

Quem quer comprar carne de 1ª qualidade é favor de me contactar...vendemos carne fresca do sudoeste asiático.Carne tenra e fresca ( ainda menores)de primeira mão, sem doenças contaminadas, algumas ainda usa fraldas....vitório é prova de qualidade. também tenho bom vinho, da terra do meu avô, loucor beirão acompanhado com o chouriço português do meu avô...ainda tenho pra vender os meus tomates, ainda virgens e frescas...acompanha de suco bem doce...pois confeço que tenho diabetes, ainda vendo em saldos bananão bem grande de de marca tiu monte, acreditam que nunca viram banana tão grande e ríj, também acompanhada de suco que é especialidade da casa...não esqueçam que também tenho chourição (dos grandes)à venda e tão boa qualidade que até se vibram...fazemos entregas ao domicílio...para terminar apresento-vos o meu chouricao de burro, directamente do meu quintal sempre de melhor qualidade, e garanto-vos que vão ficar mais espertos depois de comer chourição de burro


Vitório Rosário Cardoso