Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I was busy last weekend for the Stampede

I went to visit Stampede and it was my first and last time in Calgary. So, I want to know a lot of information about Stampede and I chose to visit the Stampede parade in the morning on Friday and to watch the Stampede Grandstand Show in the evening on Saturday. That's why I didn't go Banff and Jasper from the school's activities.

On Friday I woke up so early about 5:50 A.M. because I had to meet my classmate and leader at 7:00 A.M. and you know the bus is not on time any time. If you miss it, you have to wait about 20 or 30 min. However, I saw the Stampede Parade that was very interesting and I sat on the road that was perfect to see the parade. Then, Rita and I ate stampede barbecue which don't pay any money and you can eat and listen to music. As well, it was near downtown.
On Saturday my host family and I played all day from 11:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. That was so crazy and also that is worth to do it because we had a lot of fun. we played around the grounds all afternoon then we saw the show in the evening. The show nobody stopped to yell because every shows was so exciting and cheering. It is the best and biggest show I've seen.
Do you have fun about Stampede and Can you tell me about it?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My trip is by myself.. It's my first time. I am so excided.

I am so tried, but I am still happy right now. I am going to travel on July 30 to Aug 6 and I will have 7 nights and 8 days. As well, I am going to go Canadian east and I will visit 4 cities which is in Toronto, Niagara falls, Montreal and Quebec.
First, I found a partner who is my classmate right now and her name is Rita. In addition, she is from Taiwan as well and it's good for us. However, we need someone who English is better than us and his name is Dave. I've already met him for 9 months. However, Rita and I have to decide our trip and we have spent a lot of times to discuss it until yesterday we just bought our airplane tickets. It's spent for 2 days. You know it is quite hard work for me, but I've learned a lot of English. That's why I am so happy to do this time. After that, we have to discuss our another traffic, hostel and which place is interesting for us..............
Wow! It's very hard work, isn't it? If you have already had a great experience like that. Would you please told me or give me more information? Also, when I go back, I would like share this trip to everybody.
this website we will visit it...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grassi Lakes Trail Trip

Last weekend I went to Grassi Lakes Trail in Canmore with my host family. They have a house there and we always go there to take a relax our weekend. Also I love so much when we go there.
This time my host mom Pick our up to Grassi Lakes Trail and she said to me,"Hsiao-yen have to go there bucause there is a beautiful and wouderful place." In addition, it is my first time. when we walked the halfway, we had to choose a way that is easy or more difficult way. and they said to me again," would you like to choose a way?" I said to them," sure, I'd like to." Then they told me,"the more difficult way is more greatful than easy way. So, I shose the more difficult way that is truth. I saw a little waterfall and also we could see the view which belong to Canmore. When we arrived the Lake, we saw a lot of people who were climbing the rock. then we went down to Canmore downtown. you guess we saw the street-corner skit players who were performing in the street. finally, we went to the restaurant for our dinner that was wonderful and we saw a movie on Tw at the Canmore house.

Do you know I am so luck to meet my host family bucasue they always pick me up going anywhere. Also, I love them so much. they let me don't want to go back to taiwan.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

welcome my blogger...YA!

Hi everybody, I am so glad in here to see you and tell to you an other. Are you like me? This blogger you can find a lot of interesting things and also you can see me when I'll go back to Taiwan. ..LOL... Keep in touch...